XFT - Xtreme Fuel Treatment - saving money for Taxi Drivers and Operators
An easy fast-start route to save 10% - 30% on fuel costs, and make additional income.
What Does XFT Do?
XFT – Xtreme Fuel Treatment saves YOU money on Fuel !
It Increases MPG, Reduces Emissions and Helps your car run better
It is also a product you can distribute to earn a second or full-time income !
We are currently looking for more Distributors
XFT is an easy to use, great value fuel additive, that utilizes a unique chemical formulation to bring you the most effective solution available. It has multiple components, which means nobody else has what we have, and no other product does what XFT does. Because XFT is a comprehensive approach, it would take many products mixed together to even come close to giving you the same benefits!
As you know, Fuel costs are a major part in many businesses, but especially so in the Taxi, Private Hire, and Chauffer type businesses.
So, with no Capital cost, and fast results, in 1 – 6 tanks of fuel, it is possible to see increases in MPG of, on average, between 10% and 30% in most vehicles.
As XFT only costs approx 4% extra – it can be a large net saving.

David says : ” I’m a taxi driver living and working in Torquay. I drive on average around a thousand miles a week, so as you can imagine my fuel bill is quite high. When I first put XFT in my new Ford Tourneo 9 seat Custom I honestly didn’t expect much to happen, but how wrong was I. The first thing I noticed immediately was the extra power, I had to hold back on the accelerator quite a lot and I couldn’t believe how quiet the engine was. But the main thing for me was when I filled up. I went from an average of 27.7mpg to 33.2mpg, that might not seem a lot but if you work it out its around 20% extra mileage. On a thousand miles a week I’m now getting 200 miles for FREE or to put it another way I’m saving around £40 every week, that’s over £2000 a year. So from now on every year me and my wife will be going on a luxury holiday every year for FREE. XFT is brilliant but the business behind it is even better. “