Help us choose another additional Domain Name / Brand
Competition Details Below :
We’re looking at sponsoring/partnering some motorsports teams, with our Fuel Additive / Network Marketing business – which currently, we have branded, mainly on the saving fuel property of it (ie this website . But, for the motorsports side we feel we need to develop another brand image – about the increased power side. Or possibly 2 more brand images – one for the power increase and one for the sponsoring / financing side. So, we need ideas for brand names and domain names. They need to be able to be put on vehicles as high profile stickers etc – the plan is, to grow the image in motorsports! – Then to also look at how we can get involved with other sports/activities.

XFT is an easy to use, great value fuel additive, that utilizes a unique chemical formulation to bring you the most effective solution available. It has multiple components, which means nobody else has what we have, and no other product does what XFT does. Because XFT is a comprehensive approach, it would take many products mixed together to even come close to giving you the same benefits! – more information here – – it costs about 4p a litre to treat the fuel, but you typically get 10% – 30% better mpg and other benefits. So it easily more than pays for itself.
Xft is relatively new to the UK, after being used for about 20 years in industry globally, and since 2008 domestically in the USA. We are looking for more distributors, working from Home, or Commercially. If anyone is interested, please get in touch, it is a low start up and on-going cost, with good earning potential. – Or, if you know a commercial operator, who uses a lot of fuel, and would like to save money, we can give you a referral commission if you introduce us, and they go on to use it regularly.
The Competition / Input
Possible Keywords / Taglines / Ideas :- Xtreme, Fuel, Treatment, Team, Sponsored,
Please fill in the form below to input into this – we are running it as a competition, so the winning (chosen) brands – the person suggesting them will win, at least, some of our XFT fuel additive – worth considerable fuel savings (£100 / $150 + ) – available internationally. Plus, if we manage to swing the right deals, an invite to one of our sponsored motorsports events (likely to be in the UK initially, but hopefully also in several countries soon).